Interview: India Egard

Health and Wellbeing travel is a trending topic and the perfect antidote to our often stressful and busy modern lives. In this article, we speak to India Egard, who has recently joined the team as a Travel Project Manager and our in-house Health and Wellbeing Expert. 

India Egard

Project Manager | Health & Wellbeing Expert

Hi India. So first of all, what is your connection to Health & Wellbeing?

I’ve always had an interest and curiosity for anything related to healthcare and wellbeing, often travelling to explore various retreats and locations that offer high-quality service in combination with relaxing, healthy and rejuvenating experiences. I’ve also been working with clients for the past 6 years as a certified life coach, and this experience has been extremely useful: these skills allow me to better connect with our clients in order to help them create personalised programs. These are either a direct extension of their values and lifestyles or are ways for them to try and experience a new way of travelling that is more nurturing, relaxing and enjoyable.

Why is the Health & Wellbeing field important to you and to A2D’s clients?

We live in a very fast-paced world, and there is immense benefit in taking some time to disconnect and focus on ourselves. I see this as an important part of our work with our clients. Our goal for example with our corporate clients is to help them integrate new elements of health and wellbeing into their programs and their workspaces, which creates a positive working environment and promotes better team engagement. And for our individual and private clients, we are aiming to introduce them to new ways of travelling that enhance their wellbeing and comfort.

What trends are you seeing in the Health and Wellbeing travel sector?

The concept of “wellness tourism” has become more popular over the years and is undeniably an industry on the rise. It’s very common nowadays for people to travel to destinations in search of improving their wellbeing. In fact, the concept of going on holiday is directly linked to our health and wellbeing, as we take a break from our daily routines and habits in order to recover and rest. 

Since the pandemic, people have become much more sensitive and life values have changed, so I believe many people don’t enjoy crowds anymore or the same rhythm as before, so they look for smaller and more authentic experiences, more personal and unique. 

In terms of other trends, vegetarian and vegan food options are becoming very popular, as well as options that offer quietness, stillness and relaxation, or on the other extreme; outdoor sports, hiking and adventures.

What are some key destinations and resorts that you would highlight?

Ibiza out of season is amazing for an easy getaway: I would highly recommend Común Ibiza for example. And for those seeking to go further afield, Lekkerwater Beach House in South Africa is truly magical and relaxing.

And finally, do you have some Health and Wellbeing smart travel tips?

I always recommend people travel out of season so that they can enjoy a stress-free travel experience. And while planning is great, it’s also important to not over-plan and to leave room for spontaneity during your trip. And finally, less is more when planning: the quality of experiences is far more important than the quantity!

Speak to us about your next Health and Wellbeing experience: get in touch today.



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