Creativity Office Pop-Ups

How Can You Encourage Your Employees' Creativity Without Leaving the Office?

After introducing our Health and Plant-Based Pop-ups in previous Magazines, it’s time to look at a completely different aspect of your business: Creativity. In today’s constantly changing world, being able to assess situations and respond quickly and creatively is essential to meet any existing challenges and trends, while also looking ahead to upcoming ones.

How A Wow Creativity Pop-Up Can Help You

Wow by A2D is a global network of experts, specialists, coaches and innovators on hand to help you learn new skills, think outside-the-box and take a leading role in your industry. A Creativity Pop-Up can help you:

Develop unique and innovative solutions

Differentiate yourself from your competitors and attract new customers

Improve collaboration and a positive work environment

Promote more productive brainstorming and teamwork behaviours

Identify and embrace new challenges, risks and trends

Stimulate your teams’ minds to come up with new, improved or exciting ideas

Challenge norms to avoid stagnation and losing out on new opportunities for development

What Could Your Creativity Pop-Up look like?


Your Creativity Office Pop-Up could include:

  • Host an office Creativity day or week
  • Offer guided creative brainstorming sessions on specific topics, challenges or trends
  • Run lectures or workshops on Corporate Storytelling with an international expert
  • Host seminars on collaborative thinking and fostering a positive and creative teamwork culture
  • Create fun ‘outside-the-box’ team-building creative workshops such as photography or painting
  • Run your leaders through an embodiment, voice and speaking workshops with an international acting coach
Wow Pop-Up are completely bespoke to fit your needs while navigating all current event requirements.
If you want to discover how we can help you bring more creative and innovative thinking to your organisation, get in touch today to start a conversation.




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– The A2D World Team

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